1934 - † 2022
Theo van de Vathorst, sculptor and medallist, lived in Utrecht, The Netherlands (the country also known as Holland). He worked in bronze , stone and ceramics. In addition to monumental sculpture and large reliefs, Theo has made many portraits , small bronzes , and medals. He also liked drawing, painting and calligraphy. [click on highlighted text]
Bariton saxofoon muziek op de afscheidsdienst voor Theo
Eugene heeft ook een herdenkingsfilmpje gemaakt met dezelfde muziek op de achtergrond. Klik hier om het te bekijken op youtube:
If you click on one of the photos you will see a few photos of the exhibition.
(With comments in Dutch)
Every first of the month a new picture was placed on this site: photograph, drawing, or whatever the artist liked to show at that moment. Click on the picture or link to see a larger version in a gallery of pictures since 2015.
. He also likes
A professional video compilation about the making of the monumental DOORS of the DOM CATHEDRAL in UTRECHT, "De Deuren van de Domkerk", may now be viewed on YouTube :
A generation of sculptors who have left their mark on the city of Utrecht, another YouTube video.
Theo's monument for the former football/soccer club DOS, now FC Utrecht, was unveiled on Thursday November 28th 2013, in thepresence of the five surviving members of the original champion team. See DOS-by-daylight
A new edition has been produced of the book about Theo's bronze doors in Utrecht. The text is in Dutch and the pictures in full colour.
The book is available in Dutch bookshops, or it can be ordered via utrechtsedom.nl .
On Saturday November 3rd 2012, the Dutch Judo Association presented Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, with their prestigious Anton Geesink Award, which consists of a small bust of the famous Judo champion, made by Theo.
In 2014, the award was won by former international swimming champion Erica Terpstra and in 2015 by football/soccer coach Louis van Gaal.
In 2017 Teddy Riner (Olympic and World Champion judo) was the award winner.
During the world championships in Tokio 2019 Yashhiro Yamashita received the award from the Dutch JBN chairman Felix Thieme.
38-YEAR-OLD SNAIL moved to new site
A bronze sculpture of a snail, representing excellence in building skills, having lost its original background, has been moved to a new site and thereby acquired a new meaning. For 38 years it lived in front of a tall building opposite Amersfoort railway station but it now adorns a tree-shaded roundabout in Amersfoort's newest suburb which is fittingly known as Vathorst, after the farmhouse that first gave its name to Theo's ancestors.
Theo made a series of reliefs for a friend's private concert hall, based on the four seasons" but all connected with music.
For Theo's large relief sculpture at Leiden University, unveiled August 31st 2009 by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, click here. For unveiling, see photographs.
A brief downloadable article about the Leiden relief, by Dr. Louk Tilanus, is to be found at http://media.leidenuniv.nl/legacy/doc2.pdf
Theo van de Vathorst: Het beeld en het verhaal (Telling Sculpture) is the title of the book published in 2004 on the occasion of Theo's 70th birthday. For details of this publication, click on the title.
On the occasion of his being awarded the American Numismatic Society's Saltus Award for 2005, an article about Theo and his work by Robert W. Hoge appeared on page 49 of the Winter 2005 issue of the ANS Magazine.
The Spring 2005 issue of The Medal carried large photographs of Theo's BAMS medal on the front and back covers.
De Beeldenaar, bi-monthly magazine for numismatics and medallic art in The Netherlands, devoted a large portion of its last issue for 2003 to Theo and his medallic work. Hans de Koning contributed an introductory article, a complete inventory of Theo's medals, and a review of the above book .
The Medal, #35 Autumn 1999, p.69 featured an article about Theo by Marcy Leavitt Bourne. See also, by the same author, Church Building, #55,Jan/Feb 1999, p39ff.
A booklet about the bronze doors of Utrecht Dom Cathedral is available in the Dom bookshop.
Links to sites about medal art:
E-MAIL : In order to contact Theo van de Vathorst, send your email to